The famous words of my best friend, Jacquelyn Pierce, 4 long years ago.  Sobbing on her couch, reeling from my dad’s Alzheimer’s diagnosis, overly consumed by the disease destroying our family, she literally SCREAMED me into action!

It took a few days, but once her words sank in, I started rolling a (borrowed) camera.  I had no idea what exactly would come of it all, but since I “speak” video, I started shooting what was happening to my family and what was going on inside of me.

Fast forward 4 years and 300+ hours of footage later…

…Ladies and Gentlemen, I proudly yet humbly present to you a movie trailer of my documentary in-the-making which I hope will help change the world of Alzheimer’s…


The other amazing thing is this: I’m blogging from Washington DC!!  I’ve brought my trailer, my vision and my passion to the national Alzheimer’s Association Advocacy Forum where I hope to network, get my completion funding, and take this all to the next level…

Daddy-O would be proud!  😉

Sometimes it’s the small things that become a BIG deal.  Like the MINI-TRIATHLON I’m training for!  (You ask, Have you ever done anything even remotely like this before in your LIFE??  Heck, no!)

My goal the past year has been BALANCE.  Achieving it and keeping it.  After my long few years of soul-searching, I now wholeheartedly believe that this concept of BALANCE is key to having peace in my life.

I’m VERY proud of the strides I’ve made!  However, I must admit, the anticipation of Dad’s impending one-year anniversary has my emotions churning just a bit faster these days.  After months of happiness and ultimate faith in the process of life, I feel myself having a memorable moment: I’m feeling my way through the one year barrier…