I will be forever grateful to Karen Drew, Reporter, with the local Detroit NBC affiliate, WDIV-Channel 4.  She aired an AMAZING story tonight about my personal journey with Alzheimer’s and how I’m turning it into a movie bound for submission into Sundance Film Festival!

It’s incredible for me to see this vision that was born 4 years ago actually coming to life.  Amazing things happen when you speak your dreams.  Dreams DO come true!

Daddy-O would be SO PROUD!!!!!!!!  🙂


The famous words of my best friend, Jacquelyn Pierce, 4 long years ago.  Sobbing on her couch, reeling from my dad’s Alzheimer’s diagnosis, overly consumed by the disease destroying our family, she literally SCREAMED me into action!

It took a few days, but once her words sank in, I started rolling a (borrowed) camera.  I had no idea what exactly would come of it all, but since I “speak” video, I started shooting what was happening to my family and what was going on inside of me.

Fast forward 4 years and 300+ hours of footage later…

…Ladies and Gentlemen, I proudly yet humbly present to you a movie trailer of my documentary in-the-making which I hope will help change the world of Alzheimer’s…


The other amazing thing is this: I’m blogging from Washington DC!!  I’ve brought my trailer, my vision and my passion to the national Alzheimer’s Association Advocacy Forum where I hope to network, get my completion funding, and take this all to the next level…

Daddy-O would be proud!  😉